Electrical Tip of the Day – Data / Voice / HDTV / Satellite TV cabling – we can help!
In this day and age of cutbacks, start up companies, “magic jacks”, new technology from TV, internet, and telephone providers; and the mentality of many of these companies to make the fast buck it can be hard to know were to turn to manage issues related to these services. Specifically the cable infrastructure and trouble shooting.
Artisan Electric is qualified to do all forms of networking cabling – including:
- Category cabling for home data networks and structured wiring
- Coaxial video cabling for Internet /HDTV /satellite / home automation/ audio projects
- Telephone cabling for voice and DSL
- Audio and whole house sound
- All forms of low voltage wiring for home automation and lighting control
- Home and office fiber optic cabling installation /terminations
- Certified testing for structured wiring networks
If you are having trouble with service providers getting you the results you want (or expect) let us know – we can help. In most cases we can do a better job for less money and avoid the “staple it to you house and drill a hole in the wall” install method!
Here is another good (FREE) resource for testing Internet speeds, the SPEAK EASY SPEED TEST . Truthfully many providers have a bad habit of selling you upload / download speeds that they are not actually providing. If you can test it and you are not getting what you are paying for then there is a good argument to be made with your service provider for improved service or a discounted rate.